I'm in surround sound of the Lord mentoring me in renewing my mind. Lauren Messiah, in this book I'm blogging through called Style Therapy, quotes En Vogue "Free your mind and the rest will follow."
That's obviously not the music group's original thought, but I love how simply it's said.
My memory verse for our church challenge was:
Therefore I urge you, brothers, on account of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. 2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:1-2
This verse covers fashion, work, my thoughts. I've obviously got some renewing to do. I have neuro pathways that are deep ruts. Negative words spoken over myself.
In the book, today was about reviewing other people's opinions. Letting them go. Being your authentic self. Letting those other opinions go. And there it is in scripture
My sweet mom is a classic Gamine. Talbot's was created for her. So I always felt confined and trapped in how she dressed me as a little girl. Stiff clothes. Pixie haircut. While inside I wanted to dance and move my arms and have long hair. I had to beg for long hair and finally in 3rd grade, I was allowed to grow it out! That's a lot of begging.
Then my Dad's mom: You literally couldn't get in the door without getting examined through her tilted back gaze through her bifocals to catch any lint or loose thread.
ANYthing trendy got analyzed. I feel my chest tighten even now just writing about it.
Lord, I forgive her. Though she's gone, I release it. And Mom too.
In the journal section of the book, Lauren asks, "Is it possible that those opinions and your reaction to those opinions aren't based on truth?"
Funny, in Junior High I was nominate for best dressed. I chose "Most Talented".
In response to the question, I wrote:
No one know who I am when I'm alone with jesus. They don't get to say. However, I don't need to be defensive at their misunderstanding of who I am. I will simply walk twoard and camp with those who understand where I am going whether it's a friend, mentor, blogger or brand.
She said to pick an action step.
I chose a little one: check your lipstick.
I always become absorbed. Once I leave the house, I seldom look in a mirror.
We'll see how that goes.